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Read or set a value in a lookup


The following 2 functions enable you to read or set a value in a lookup. E.g. retrieve a text/GUID or set a default value to a lookup. Follow the instructions in each function below.

gLookupGetValue = function (objLookup){
    This function is used read a value from lookup field
    This function requires the following parameters:
        objLookup:     reference to the lookup object e.g. crmForm.all.productid
    Returns:        Array
        [0] = returns lookup GUID
        [1] = returns lookup text value
        [2] = returns lookup entity type name (e.g. account)
        [3] =//returns lookup entity type code  (e.g. 1=account), 2=contact, etc)
        var name  = gLookupGetValue(crmForm.all.accountid)[1]
    Author: GP   

    var lookupItem = new Array;
    var arr = new Array();
    arr[0] = "";    //returns lookup GUID
    arr[1] = "";    //returns lookup text value   
    arr[2] = "";    //returns lookup entity type name (e.g. account)
    arr[3] = "";    //returns lookup entity type code  (e.g. 1=account), 2=contact, etc)
    // Get a reference to the lookup control on the form.
    lookupItem = objLookup.DataValue;

    // If there is data in the field, show it in a series of alerts.
    if (lookupItem != null){
        // Return the GUID of the lookup.
        arr[0] = lookupItem[0].id;
        // Return the text value of the lookup.
        arr[1] = lookupItem[0].name;

        // Return the entity type name of the lookup.
        arr[2] = lookupItem[0].typename;

        // Return the entity type code of the lookup.
        arr[3] = lookupItem[0].type;
    return arr;


gLookupSetValue = function(objID, objText, objType){
 This function is used set a defaultvalue in a lookup field and requires the following parameters:
  objID:   ID of the record
  objText:  Text or Name of the record
  objType:  Entity code or Entity Name
 Returns: lookup object
 Designed by: Geron Profet
 Example 1: retrieve based on entity type code
  var defaultpricelevelname = 'Standard';
  var defaultpricelevelid = gGetValue('pricelevelid','pricelevel','name',defaultpricelevelname)[2];
  crmForm.all.pricelevelid.DataValue = gLookupSetValue(defaultpricelevelid, defaultpricelevelname, 1022);

 Example 2: retrieve based on entity type name
  crmForm.all.pricelevelid.DataValue = gLookupSetValue(defaultpricelevelid, defaultpricelevelname, 'pricelevel');

 // Create a lookupItem to store the values that you want to set to a target lookup control.
 var lookupData = new Array();
    var lookupItem= new Object();
 //Set the id, name and typecode or typename properties to the object.
 lookupItem.id = objID;
 lookupItem.name = objText;
 //if objType is not numeric, assume the entitytypename is passed
 if (!isNaN(objType)){
  lookupItem.type = objType;
 } else {
  lookupItem.typename = objType;

 // Add the object to the array and return the lookupItem that you just created.
 lookupData[0] = lookupItem;  
 return lookupData;

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